Pambazuka News 269: Ivory Coast: Dynamics of mediation

In a series of alerts in 2004 we examined media coverage of events surrounding the military coup that forced Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide into exile on February 29, 2004.

In the next few days IRIN will be releasing the latest of its short documentary films and we are requesting subscribers to notify us if you wish to receive a copy.

Highway Africa is an annual ICT conference hosted by Rhodes University which is situated in Grahamstown, South Africa. Each year, more than 500 delegates from across the globe attend the conference to discuss issues relating to Internet governance, ICT policy and media for democracy.

Scrolling down Pambazuka News 268, I noted with surprise these words in the introduction to “THE HOPES AND ILLUSIONS OF WORLD TRADE LIBERALISATION FOR WOMEN IN AFRICA” ( “Africa has faced ten years of unfettered liberalisation that, argues Cheikh Tidiane Dièye, has left the continent on its knees.” Further down, in Sokari Ekine’s REVIEW OF AFRICAN BLOGS (read more

The Internet has the potential to bring the art and science of fundraising back into balance, restore the confidence and trust of donors, and deeply enhance the relationships our organizations have with our stakeholders. Or it can be yet another way to alienate our supporters and disempower our fundraising professionals.
